Our Quality Classroom Instruction program consists of providing our students with qualified, trained teachers, textbooks, education materials, and school supplies. We seek to give our students an excellent classroom experience with a variety of resources, setting our schools apart from other schools.
Pillars: Intellectual Development, Physical Development, Psychosocial Development, Spiritual Development
In February, EduNations had the privilege of hosting Dawn Malcom, director and CEO of Lighting The Path, at our schools in Sierra Leone. Dawn’s visit marked a significant step forward in a new partnership between Ed...
EduNations strives to hire qualified teachers from within the country of Sierra Leone. When a teacher is hired, they move from their home village to one of our rural communities where are schools are located. Due to poor road condition...
Hassan Koroma was born in Sierra Leone, from a village called Mafokoya Yoni Chiefdom, Tonkoklili District, and received his primary education in a university town named Njala Mokonda, Moyamba District. He received his seconda...
My name is Abass Daniel Fullah, I am 20 years of age and currently in SSS 3 Science. I am from Rokassa community located in Port Loko district, Masimra chiefdom of Sierra Leone. My parents are local farmers, but unfortunately, I l...
We strive to hire the most qualified teachers with excellent work ethics and passion for teaching. We retain these teache...
VEIW PROJECTWe are committed to providing our students with environments that will enhance and aid in their learning experience. Thro...
VEIW PROJECTIn our quest to provide our students with the quality education they deserve, we want to provide our students with ample t...
VEIW PROJECTSchool uniforms are a marker of quality schools in Sierra Leone. Uniforms associate the child with their school creating ...
VEIW PROJECTWhat’s next for our EduNations students now that they have graduated? Many of them have goals of attending univ...