World Hope International Supports Development in Rokassa

Published Tue, Jan 30, 2024
Written by Dana Kaltenberger



Collaboration and partnership are keys to propelling development in the rural communities of Sierra Leone. By partnering with various organizations in their areas of expertise, we are able to provide the best quality comprehensive education to our students, caring for the mind, body, soul, and spirit of each child.

EduNations and World Hope International have had a long-term partnership that has spanned the last 11 years. It all started when World Hope International rented their office space to EduNations in 2013 at a time EduNations were starting their operations in Sierra Leone. Throughout the tenancy period, World Hope International provided a lot of expertise and logistical support to EduNations including sharing their administrative and finance policies.

In 2014 and 2015, EduNations and World Hope International partnered to response to hundreds of Ebola orphans in Sierra Leone. When the World Hope team learned that EduNations’ truck was totaled in a car accident, they loaned a truck to EduNations which has been put into good use in the boarding home.

Recently, World Hope International invited EduNations and Jericho Road Ministry to a summit in Rokassa. The objective of the summit was for the World Hope leaders to see the current work that EduNations and Jericho Road have done in Rokassa and identify needs that still need to be addressed to bring about holistic development and strengthen the partnership between the three organizations. Moreover, the discussion turned to future development and engagement of other communities in rural Sierra Leone where the development in Rokassa could potentially be replicated in the future.

One of the gaps identified in the development work in Rokassa was the need for solutions to water shortages during the dry season. Earlier this month, World Hope provided an additional well to supply much needed drinking water to the students in the EduNations boarding home.

We are incredibly grateful for our ongoing partnership with World Hope International and look forward to continuing to work together as serve the population of Sierra Leone together.