Success Is Her Middle Name - Rebecca's Story

Published Tue, Jul 30, 2024
Written by Dana Kaltenberger

Rebecca Success Bangura.jpeg


Rebecca Success Bangura, is a 17-year-old recent graduate of EduNations Senior Secondary School.  Growing up in Mabum Station, Rebecca came from a family of local farmers who struggled to make ends meet. 

Rebecca recounts the memories of her childhood. 

“When I turned 9 years old, I lost my mother and I was left to be raised with my mother’s younger sister who also lived in Mabum Station. Honestly, life was very difficult for us, especially living with my aunty who had many children and was engaging in petty trade. There have been times when we didn’t even have our complete meals for the day or personal toiletries. 

Living with my aunty is sometimes traumatic because many times she will recall all of the hardship my mother caused the family before she passed away, and referred to me as the replica of my mother which hurts me so deeply and made me look at myself poorly. ‘

In addition to the mental abuse from her aunt, Rebecca also suffered emotionally and physically being taken advantage of by many men in hopes of receiving support for her family. 

Rebecca’s life has been completely transformed. Today, she is a strong Christian young woman desiring to attend Bible college and serve the Lord in full time Christian ministry.  

“Before coming to EduNations Hope Academy, I was born and raised as a Muslim. But through my time at EduNations Hope Academy, I have found faith in Christ Jesus, specifically through the discipleship classes and chapel services. EduNations has impacted my academic life by providing free and quality education and psychosocial support that helped my mental health. The school work has given me the courage to be a strong young woman.  

Living out my faith as a young Chrsitan woman involves both personal growth and positive influence on others; God has helped me to share my faith in Christ with my friends and family members. I seek to intentionally display the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my actions and interactions with others. Presently, I am fervently praying for my Muslim family and that the Lord Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to them so they can come to have a saving knowledge of Him. 

My plan now that I have graduated from high school is to start my one month internship at the EduNations Head Office in Sierra Leone.”

Rebecca has expressed that she has two passions in life, one is to enroll in a Bible college, and the other is to study social work. She wants to continue her pursuit of God  and serve humanity through social work. Rebecca asks for prayers for clarity from the Lord  to help her determine which of these two passions to pursue first. 

God has truly performed a miracle in Rebecca’s life!  We attribute Rebecca’s “success” to God’s grace through the faithful generosity of our donors and supporters.