Senior Secondary Students Return from Easter Break

Published Wed, May 25, 2022
Written by Sarah Pietryga

The school calendar in Sierra Leone has three vacations: Christmas, Easter, and the summer vacation. As we write, students are just returning from a short but active Easter break.

And while in past years getting students back to their home villages had presented difficulties, the recent acquisition of two buses made this year quick and easy by comparison.

Before the break, Senior Secondary School (SSS) principal Hassan Koroma admonished students to serve as good ambassadors by representing the school well while they were away. Did they? One parent called the principal to say “What is happening with my son? He is remarkably changed and I feel so good!” She explained, “Before [his time with EduNations] he was not helping me in anything, but now he helps in domestic work!” Principal Koroma, pleased to hear this, explained that EduNations SSS strives not just to educate but to help form the total person in physical, spiritual, and moral goodness.

What did students do while they were away? Since EduNations schools are in rural villages where almost everyone grows what they eat, most students helped their parents farm crops like groundnut, and nurse peppers.

And what about EduNations staff? One served in a Christian camp; washing dishes and cooking. Another trained in crafts and sewing skills sayings he plans to share this new self-reliance skill with her students. Other staff members used the time to study, enjoy time with family, and a few even traveled to the beach.

As vacation ended, the two EduNations buses brought students back to Rokassa from their home villages. Excited to see each other again, the students shared stories of their time away, as they prepare to finish the school year.
