

Anniversary Logo (1).png


20 years ago, a group of families from Western NY, after adopting children from Sierra Leone, looked for a way to give back to that country. And thus, EduNations was born.

Some two decades later, by the grace and goodness of God -- and the tireless work of a team of dedicated people, both here and in Sierra Leone -- that dream has become a collection of 15 schools in six villages, serving 3,700 students, employing 150 teachers and staff.

This year we are celebrating 20 years of igniting hope in Sierra Leone!   



at the

EduNations 20th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser

on Thursday, November 14th beginning at 6:30PM

at Oakmont Country Club in Oakmont, PA.  


We are expecting approximately 150 or more in attendance, both existing and new supporters, and hope to raise $50,000 or more in net proceeds, produce more student/teacher sponsors, and build awareness for our work.  

Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served along with coffee, tea, and water.

Additional beverages may be purchased at the cash bar.

Dress is business casual/cocktail. Blue jeans not permitted.

Onsite and nearby complimentary parking is available.





We are actively seeking sponsors for this event. Your sponsorship will help us to underwrite the cost of the event allowing more donations to go directly to our educational programs in Sierra Leone.

There are five levels: Even Sponsor $10,000; Program Sponsor $5,000; Hors D'oeuvres Sponsor $2,500, Dessert Sponsor $1,500; and Table Sponsor $500. If you are interested in sponsoring, please complete the 2024 Sponsorship Form

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 We hope you will join us! It promises to be an evening of celebration, inspiration, and casting a vision of the opportunities and challenges that are ahead of us, as we “make disciples of all nations.”

Unable to attend, but still want to participate?  You can continue to ignite hope in the lives of Sierra Leonean children by giving your gift here.  Thank you for your generous support.